La visita de Graham fue muy interesante, estoy siguiendo su recorrido por internet y leo algunas cosas que conmueven y que ademas muestran lo que somos como pais a los ojos de extrajerios. Este es el comentario en su bit5acora sobre la visitta a centeno, de la cual tiene muy buen recuerdo, luego el viaje a Rosario que fue duro por el viento y mas tarde la busqueda en rosario de un lugar economico para estar, fue , segun el dice muy dificil encontrar algo razonable donde hospedarse.
Transcribo parte de su escrito, aunque esta en Inglés, se que algunos lo entenderan y otros haran el esfuerzo.
Centeno to Rosario
Posted by Graham at 06:23 PM on November 17, 2009 | |
Tue 17th 68 miles
I thought that after yesterdays miles I had left myself with a short day to Rosario so was only too happy to accept the offer of breakfast and a visit to the primary and then secondary scholls for a visit. I thought a just to have a look around but we entered the primary school and I was introduced to a few of the teachers when the beel promptly rang. Suddenly we were surrounded a hundred kids and my spanish was given a huge test by the head who intoduced me to them and the told them I was going to speak all about my trip. News to me but I did my best and generally people tell me how good my spanish is which I'm not so sure about myself. I hope they were interested by it all though and if the subsequent shirt signing session was anyhting to go by it seems so. The subsequent secondary school and community office visits were somewhat more tranquil and once more I left with yet more cakes and more friends.
Bouyed on by the Argentenians and the tail wind I set off thinking I'd make Rosario by the early afternoon. That was until the one thing that I resigned myself to never happening took place and in 3 minutes the wind turned right around and hammered me for the rest of the day. I promise this is my last whinge but it is an absolute misery cycling in it and I just hope that it allows me a break from here.
Arriving in Rosario for what I thought would be a bit of a rest I discovered the strangest I've seen, there were just no reasonably priced hotels. Even the taxi drivers knew of none and only with a couple who befriended me did I find anything like what I'd hoped for. Tired as I was I decided to take the offer up and had to tell the lady that despite the food she'd given so 'that I had strength to walk some more and find somewhere cheaper'.
Mirá vos, ni idea acerca del periplo de este muchacho angelino a nuestra bella Argentina. ¡Y llegarse hasta Centeno! Muy interesante su diario de bitácora, parece que uds. lo mimaron demasiado! Me reí del problema que tuvo al enfrentar el viento en la ruta a Rosario...guau...¡mirá si se va a la Patagonia! ¿Irá?? No solo viento, sino además el polvo, el sol abrasador, las distancias..
ResponderEliminarDále, que está de maravillas tu diario-blog, me estoy enterando del día a día de Centeno. (No me registré en el blog de David porque ya estoy en demasiadas cosas..). Besos!
No sé porqué lo bauticé David al muchacho inglés que visita nuestros parajes. Acabo de leer toda la parte de la Argentina de su bitácora (sin login), y lo único que lo fastidia es el viento...pobre!!! Pero de repente termina, no dice nada de Buenos Aires. Sabés, ahora me parece que lo ví en T.V., al ver las fotos hice un cacho de rememoriar. Juntó bastante para Unicef, qué bueno. Bien, me voy corriendo...bye!